Natural Healing is a style of healing in which you assist your body to increase its powerful self-healing ability. This is done by creating a lifestyle where you: Eliminate those things that create disease and increase those things that create powerful health. When your body is healthy and strong, it can and will heal any disease, and repair and rebuild itself.

Your body is a self-healing machine. This is easily seen with a cut. You cut your skin and you bleed. Your blood eventually clots and you form a scab. Your tissue and skin then starts re-growing. Eventually, the scab falls off and you are miraculously healed! Even though we take this basic healing function for granted, no medical doctor and no hospital can ever do this for you.

On a microscopic level, your body may be invaded and infected by foreign pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Your body has numerous organs, systems, and blood cells to take care of any unwanted visitors. You have white blood cells like macrophages and certain T cells that work to kill the invader immediately, and immune chemicals like interleukin and interferon that help speed up these cells. Other cells create chemical poisons to kill off the invaders in the same way your B cells use immunoglobulin to create specific antibodies that attack foreign pathogens.

Without a doubt, our bodies are amazing repair machines ready to take on any illness or disease. But eventually, because of genetics, lifestyle and just plain aging, your body may not be up to the task of healing or repairing you. This is usually when a person seeks out outside help, usually from a medical doctor.

A medical doctor's approach is to take on the healing themselves, fighting and killing the disease with a barrage of chemical drugs and often getting the body functioning again by performing surgical procedures. This form of healing can work but can be very dangerous. Medical intervention is so harsh and extreme it often hurts other organs and causes other diseases. It can also leave you with irreversible surgical impairment when it involves your organs being altered or removed. It is the best form of healing for those people who absolutely will not take any responsibility for their health and refuse to make any healthy lifestyle modifications.

On the other hand, Natural Healing is for people who are willing to make healthy and positive lifestyle changes. As a Natural Healing doctor, I help my patients to dramatically raise their overall level of health, which in turn, dramatically increases their body's ability to heal and repair itself. Doing this is simple! As the sign in my office says, "You can heal yourself of anything, just STOP doing what is making you sick and START doing what will Create Powerful Health."

Natural Healing is simply helping your body to become stronger and healthier, so it becomes more powerful and effective healing and repairing machine.

In my clinic, I discovered that with most people, it doesn't take much to get their body to heal illness or disease. I usually just had to get them to STOP killing themselves. Most of my patients' diseases were caused by what they were doing to themselves. In other words, their body was trying to heal itself, but it was too weak, or running too much resistance, or both. This could be simply a lack of nutrition caused by a bad food program, all the way to a buildup of sludge in the body, causing everything from constipation and coronary-artery blockage to dementia. Most of my patients just needed a good cleanup and a new, healthy lifestyle, and they were on their way to health. However, my patients who had spent years damaging their bodies, ignoring their ill health and disregarding their many disease warning signs, were now in a serious disease crisis and they needed more aggressive health programs.

Regardless of the level of my patients' illnesses or diseases, even in the worst stages of degenerative diseases, I always saw Natural Healing work as a powerful medical intervention. My patients were always able to regain their health and, in fact, create powerful health by simply leading a very healthy lifestyle. Often, the healing results are in balance with how many positive, healthy changes a person is willing to make. Sure, for some, it took a lot of work, but when you compare it to the drama, trauma, pain, torture, and expense of medical intervention, for most people with good common sense, it's a no-brainer. In fact, when you look at it this way, it is obviously the only real healing.

To sum all this up, Natural Healing is a style of healing where you assist your body in charging up its powerful self-healing ability by creating a lifestyle in which you eliminate things that create disease and do those things that create powerful health. When your body is healthy and strong, it can heal, repair, and rebuild anything.

An old Chinese proverb says: "Focus on the good to eliminate the bad." In the same way, Natural Healing is about focusing on Creating Powerful Health and letting your body do what it knows how to do better than any doctor, and what it does best, which is repair and heal you of anything.

I hope this information gives you a few more insights into your understanding of Natural Healing.